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DESIGN TEAM: David Perugache

FMP Leader: Paolo Lorini | Course Leader: Anthony Louis Marasco | Project Assistant: Francesco Sorrentino


Design industry changes seemingly occur overnight. We are continually tested by the  industry that seeks for designers that can diversify, in other words a “specialist generalist”.

HOW2DO is a social network platform of designers groups. HOW2DO makes it easy for anyone to learn and share their knowledge in different design skills by organizing a learning group or by finding one already created to meet in real life. Designers from all over the city can get together to improve their skills and built a network of friends, colleagues and contacts passionate about design.

Research and analysis.


Like the studios we are applying to, designers should possess a similar set of tools in our toolbox. In summary core skills combined with a more generalist approach in a workspace of collaboration and understanding.


Is that exactly what companies are looking for and not just design firms but all companies seeking to apply design thinking as one of the drivers of innovation, because they have been understanding and evidencing about the role and value that design gives to their companies; they need multidisciplinary design professionals. 

The project


HOW2DO wants to offer a solution for creative people seeking for knowledge and for those who never forget that dipping your toes into different media and skill sets is also fun. HOW2DO understand that learning is a collaborating process and it has to be taken beyond of a computer screen.  


HOW2DO its base on a Freemium business model, it means that the platform will offer a free service account with the features described on the video and a premium account with special offers. The cost and the plan are explained in the 2 and 3 picture.

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